Ego (EGraphs OCaml) is an OCaml library that provides generic equality saturation using EGraphs. The design of Ego loosely follows the design of Rust's egg library, providing a flexible interface to run equality saturation extended with custom user-defined analyses.
(* create an egraph *)
let graph = EGraph.init ()
(* add expressions *)
let expr1 = EGraph.add_sexp graph [%s ((a << 1) / 2)]
(* Convert to graphviz *)
let g : Odot.graph = EGraph.to_dot graph
The rest of this page will provide a quick-start guide to using Ego. Advanced users may instead want to check out the API documentation.
Library overview
Ego provides two interfaces to its equality saturation engine:
1. Ego.Basic
- an out-of-the-box interface to pure equality saturation (i.e supporting only syntactic rewrites).
2. Ego.Generic
- a higher order interface to equality saturation, parameterised over custom user defined analyses.
Getting Started with Ego
In the rest of this section, we'll provide a small walkthrough of using Ego to implement a variety of program transformations using egraphs.
Basic EGraphs with Ego
The basic interface to Ego lives under Ego.Basic
open Ego.Basic
provides a simple equality-saturation engine that just works "out-of-the-box" - it isn't particularly extensible or customisable, but this means that it is a good place to start experimenting with EGraphs.
Let's start with by creating a new EGraph using Ego.Basic.EGraph.init
let graph = EGraph.init ()
The equality saturation engine defined in Ego.Basic
operates over s-expressions
- so to simplify some of the code in this section, our examples will be using a custom (unpublished) ppx to convert OCaml expressions into Sexp
Adding nodes
Let's start by creating a new expression:
let expr = [%s ((a << 1) / 2)]
If you're following along at home, this is equivalent to the following:
let expr =
let open Sexplib0.Sexp in
List [Atom "/"; List [Atom "<<"; Atom "a"; Atom "1"]; Atom "2"]
We can now add this expression to our EGraph:
let expr_id = EGraph.add_sexp graph expr
Printing EGraphs
Internally, EGraph
s operate by tracking equivalence classes over sub-expressions - to help with debugging, we can view the state of our EGraph
using the helper functions Ego.Basic.EGraph.to_dot
, which returns a Graphviz respresentation of the current state of the EGraph.
let g : Odot.graph = EGraph.to_dot graph
If we convert this Graphviz representation g
to a string using Odot.string_of_graph
and pass it to Graphviz's dot
command (externally), we get the following diagram:
As we can see, the EGraph now contains the expression we fed into it, and each node in the expression has also been assigned a unique equivalence class.
Because EGraphs track the structural equivalences between nodes, if you add any terms that are sub-expressions of nodes that are already in the EGraph, then the graph does not change.
Try this out for yourself with the expression (a << 1)
Defining rewrites
Adding nodes is nice and all, but the real magic of EGraphs is with rewrites - expressing transformations of the program source code in terms of equivalences between terms.
We express rewrites in Ego through two components: Ego.Basic.Query
s and Ego.Basic.Rule
- A
represents a pattern over the term language that destructs an expression and binds its subexpressions to variables.
- A
is a pair ofQuery
s - a from query, that matches subexpressions in the term language, and an into query that then rearranges the subexpressions bound in the from query.
Let's build a rule to transform expressions of the form a << 1
into a * 1
We can build our from pattern using Ego.Basic.Query.of_sexp
let from = Query.of_sexp [%s ("?a" << 1)]
Here, by prefixing the variable with "?"
to get "?a"
, we denote a pattern variable that binds to a subexpression rather than being matched literally.
Next, let's construct the into pattern, which then just updates the matched expression to use a multiplication:
let into = Query.of_sexp [%s ("?a" * 2)]
With these two patterns defined, we can combine them into a rewrite rule using Rule.make
let rule = Rule.make ~from ~into
Once we have a rule, the EGraph can then efficiently enact the corresponding transformation by merging the equivalence classes associated with the matched and transformed subexpressions.
As this change may then reveal other subexpressions that could be also rewritten, we may be able to repeat the rewrite multiple times.
Ego exposes two methods to execute rewrite rules: Ego.Basic.EGraph.apply_rules
or Ego.Basic.EGraph.run_until_saturation
EGraph.apply_rules graph rules
simply runs each one of the rewrites inrules
exactly once.
EGraph.run_until_saturation ?fuel graph rules
repeatedly each one of the rewrites inrules
until no further changes occur (i.e equality saturation), or until it runs out offuel
Our current rewrite system is fairly small - let's just run the rules until saturation without any explicit fuel limit:
let _ = run_until_saturation graph [rule]
Let's have a look at the resulting EGraph structure:
Indeed, as we can see above, the EGraph has now merged the eclass previously for the subexpression with lshift a << 1
with the eclass for the subexpression with multiplication a * 2
Extracting nodes
Finally, in order to pull an expression back out of the EGraph, Ego provides the function Ego.Basic.EGraph.extract
, which when given a cost function and a term id, returns the lowest-cost equivalent expression.
val extract : ((Ego.Id.t -> float) -> Symbol.t * Ego.Id.t list -> float) -> EGraph.t -> Ego.Id.t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
The extraction function takes two parameters score
and node
- A scoring function
that returns the scores of the children of the current node
- The
to be scored, represented as a pair: the operator of the node, and a list of ids corresponding to its children.
Let's write a simple cost function that places higher cost on shifts and lower cost on multiplications:
let cost_function score (sym, children) =
let node_score =
match Symbol.to_string sym with
| "*" -> 1.
| "/" -> 1.
| "<<" -> 2.
| _ -> 0. in
node_score +. List.fold_left (fun acc vl -> acc +. score vl) 0. children
With a scoring function in hand, we can now try and pull out an equivalent expression to our initial term (/ (<< a 1) 2)
let result = EGraph.extract cost_function graph expr_id
(* (/ (* a 2) 2) *)
Tada! Equality saturation Ladies and Gents.
Eclass Analysis with Ego
Now that we've seen the basics of how equality saturation works, let's have a look at Ego's advanced analysis interface.
Defining a language
Unlike the basic interface which operates over arbitrary S-expressions, Ego's generic EGraph framework is parameterised over an arbitrary definition of a language.
We can specify this language by defining a module satisfying the Ego.Generic.LANGUAGE
As such, let's start creating a module to define our language.
module L = struct
The first type we'll need to supply is a polymorphic type 'a shape
, that captures the shape of the expression langauge, with the type parameter 'a
encoding recursive occurances:
type 'a shape =
| Add of 'a * 'a
| Sub of 'a * 'a
| Mul of 'a * 'a
| Div of 'a * 'a
| Var of string
| Const of int
[@@deriving ord]
Here, we've defined a basic numerical language consisting of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division over integers and variables. We also use ppx_deriving
to derive an abitrary order over expressions - this ordering doesn't need to have any semantic meaning, and is just there for efficiently storing terms of the language.
We'll also define a basic pretty printer for 'a shape
let pp f fmt = function
| Add (l,r) -> Format.fprintf fmt "(%a + %a)" f l f r
| Sub (l,r) -> Format.fprintf fmt "(%a - %a)" f l f r
| Mul (l,r) -> Format.fprintf fmt "(%a * %a)" f l f r
| Div (l,r) -> Format.fprintf fmt "(%a / %a)" f l f r
| Const n -> Format.fprintf fmt "%d" n
| Var s -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" s
In order to convert this shape datatype 'a shape
into a form that represents concrete terms from our language we can "tie-the-knot" using a new datatype t
type t = Mk of t shape
Next, we need to define a type of tags op
that uniquely identify each constructor and its non-recursive data:
type op = AddOp | SubOp | MulOp | DivOp | VarOp of string | ConstOp of int [@@deriving eq]
let op : 'a shape -> op = function
| Add _ -> AddOp
| Sub _ -> SubOp
| Mul _ -> MulOp
| Div _ -> DivOp
| Var s -> VarOp s
| Const i -> ConstOp i
Additionally, given an op and an appropriate number of children, we should be able to recreate the corresponding 'a shape
let make : op -> 'a list -> 'a shape = fun op ls ->
match[@warning "-8"] op,ls with
| AddOp, [l;r] -> Add (l,r)
| SubOp, [l;r] -> Sub (l,r)
| MulOp, [l;r] -> Mul (l,r)
| DivOp, [l;r] -> Div (l,r)
| VarOp s, [] -> Var s
| ConstOp i, [] -> Const i
Finally, We also need to define some generic operations to manipulate nodes in terms of their children:
let children : 'a shape -> 'a list = function
| Add (l,r) | Sub (l,r) | Mul (l,r) | Div (l,r) -> [l;r]
| Var _ | Const _ -> []
let map_children : 'a shape -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b shape = fun term f -> match term with
| Add (l,r) -> Add (f l, f r)
| Sub (l,r) -> Sub (f l, f r)
| Mul (l,r) -> Mul (f l, f r)
| Div (l,r) -> Div (f l, f r)
| Var s -> Var s
| Const i -> Const i
This completes our definition of the language.
By separating out expressions into 'a shape
and their discriminants op
, this allows the EGraph framework to efficiently reason about the shape of expressions independently from their children.
Defining an analysis
Loosely following Rust's egg library, Ego allows users to run EClass analyses over its EGraphs - the idea here is that we can attach additional information to the equivalence classes in our EGraph, and then use this to perform more complex rewrites in a principaled way.
We can define EClass analyses in Ego in two steps:
- First, we express the data used in our analysis by supplying a module satisfying the
- Second, we define the operations over this data through a functor satisfying
that receives an interface to the EGraph as a module satisfyingEgo.Generic.GRAPH_API
Sounds complicated? Well, don't worry! With a bit of experience, this will quickly become second nature - let's have a look at using this interface to implement a constant folding analysis.
We can start by specifying the data for our analysis as below:
module A = struct
type t = unit
type data = int option [@@deriving eq, show]
In the module above, the type data
represents the additional analysis information that we will be attached to each EClass, and the type t
represents any persistent state that our analysis may need to track separately from each eclasses - in this case, we don't have any additional information, so we just leave it empty.
With the analysis data defined, we can next move on to defining the analysis operations. To do this, We start by defining a functor that takes in a module satisfying the Ego's Ego.Generic.GRAPH_API
module MA (S : GRAPH_API
with type 'p t = (Ego.Id.t L.shape, A.t,, 'p) egraph
and type analysis := A.t
and type data :=
and type node := L.t) = struct
The module S
represents the interface to the EGraph available to the analysis:
module S: sig
type 'p t = (Ego.Id.t L.shape, unit,, 'p) egraph
val freeze : rw t -> ro t
val set_data : rw t -> Ego.Id.t -> -> unit
val get_data : ro t -> Ego.Id.t ->
val get_analysis : rw t -> A.t
val add_node : rw t -> L.t -> Ego.Id.t
val merge : rw t -> Ego.Id.t -> Ego.Id.t -> unit
For convenience, the operations over the EGraph are split into those which read and write to the graph rw t
and those that are read-only ro t
. When defining the analysis operations, certain operations assume that the graph is not modified, so these anotations will help users to avoid violating the internal invariants of the data structure.
Now, before we define our analysis, we'll first define a small helper abstract evaluation function, that evaluates the values of expressions over our domain:
let eval : L.shape -> =
| L.Add (Some l, Some r) -> Some (l + r)
| L.Sub (Some l, Some r) -> Some (l - r)
| L.Mul (Some l, Some r) -> Some (l * r)
| L.Div (Some l, Some r) -> if r <> 0 then Some (l / r) else None
| L.Const n -> Some n
| _ -> None
With this definition in hand, we're now ready to define the analysis. To do so, we'll need to define three functions:
- A
operation, which is called whenever a new node is added and should generate a new abstract value for the node, usually using the abstract values of its children.
- A
operation, which is called whenever two equivalance classes are merged and should produce a new abstract value that represents the merge of their corresponding abstract values.
- A
operation, which is called whenever the children or abstract values of an eclass are modified and may use the abstract value of its to modify the egraph.
Let's have a look at the implementation of each one of these operations for our constant folding analysis.
Our make
operation simply reuses our abstract evaluation function, and determines the value of the new node by evaluating the operation over the values of its children if they are constant:
let make : ro t -> Ego.Id.t L.shape -> =
fun graph term ->
eval (L.map_children term (S.get_data graph))
Next, whenever two eclasses are merged, the merge
operation simply propagates the constants known for either of the eclasses:
let merge : A.t -> -> -> =
fun () l r -> match l,r with
| Some l, _ -> Some l
| _, Some r -> Some r
| _ -> None
Finally, the modify
operation tracks the constant values of terms and adds the corresponding constant terms to the graph if known:
let modify : rw t -> Ego.Id.t -> unit = fun graph cls ->
match S.get_data (S.freeze graph) cls with
| None -> ()
| Some n ->
let nw_cls = S.add_node graph (L.Mk (Const n)) in
S.merge graph nw_cls cls
This completes the definition of our constant folding analysis.
Putting it all together, we can now create the EGraph using Ego's Ego.Generic.Make
module EGraph = Make (L) (A) (MA)
Let's try it out!
First, let's create a new EGraph as we did using the basic interface:
let graph = EGraph.init ()
We can then add expressions to our EGraph as before:
let expr = L.of_sexp [%s (2 * 2)]
Here we're using an ommited basic function to convert between s-expressions and terms of our language.
Finally, we can plot the EGraph using Graphviz as before:
EGraph.to_dot graph
As we can see, the EGraph has the usual structure, however we're now also tracking our analysis information alongside each equivalence class, and have also added new equivalences between certain expressions and their corresponding constant values.
Extracting nodes
Much like the basic interface, we can also extract expressions using Ego's generic EGraphs - in particular by defining a module that satisfies the Ego.Generic.COST
module C = struct
The cost interface is fairly straightforward.
We must first provide an ordered type to encode the cost of expressions. Here, we'll use floats:
type t = float [@@deriving ord]
Next, we can define a cost function cost
that computes the cost of expressions:
let cost f : Id.t L.shape -> t = function
| L.Add (l, r) -> f l +. f r +. 1.0
| L.Sub (l, r) -> f l +. f r +. 1.0
| L.Mul (l, r) -> f l +. f r +. 1.0
| L.Div (l, r) -> f l +. f r +. 1.0
| L.Var _ -> 1.0
| L.Const _ -> 1.0
This completes the cost interface.
We can build an expression extractor using the Ego.Generic.MakeExtractor
module Extractor = MakeExtractor (L) (C)
Finally, let's extract an expression:
Extractor.extract graph expr_id
(* 4 *)
Tada! EClass Analysis Ladies and Gents!
Other cool stuff
There are a few parts of the API that we haven't had a chance to cover in this quick-start guide - in particular, the rewrite system for the generic interface.
Ego also provides support for rewrites through the Ego.Generic.RULE
interface implemented by Ego.Generic.Make.Rule
Unlike the basic interface, alongside supporting purely syntactic rewrites (Ego.Generic.RULE.make_constant
), the generic interface allows for rewrites that can condition on the information the analysis (Ego.Generic.RULE.make_conditional
), or even dynamically generate the transformation patterns (Ego.Generic.RULE.make_dynamic
We don't currently have a guide of how to define these kinds of rewrites, but may add an additional section in the future.
Have fun and Happy hacking!