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Verified Systems Engineering @ NUS
Building trustworthy safety-critical systems and advancing the state of the art in formal verification

About Us

Group photo

We do research in the design and implementation of programming languages, program synthesis, and computer-assisted formal reasoning about complex systems, at the School of Computing of National University of Singapore, as a part of PLSE@NUS lab.


Postdoc positions are available in a project on automated program repair via static analysis and verification. Check out the project page for the details and get in touch!

We are actively looking for motivated PhD students! Get in touch with Ilya Sergey if you want to chat about research opportunities, and apply here.

Research internships: In case if you are interested in an internship with us, please get in touch with your CV and a paragraph of text describing your specific interests in the research themes we pursue at the moment. Strong background in PL/logic/verification or systems-building is a must. We welcome candidates who will commit six months or longer to focused research on-site.


Sep 01
Aug 30

Kiran Gopinathan has successfully defended her PhD thesis “Scaling the Evolution of Verified Software”. Congratulations, Dr. Gopinathan!

Aug 27

Two new papers at upcoming conferences in October 2024: on compositional verification of Byzantine protocols (CCS’24) and on building concurrent data structures via batch-parallelism (OOPSLA’24).

Aug 06

Congratulations to George Pîrlea on receiving a Dean’s Research Excellence Award for 2024!

Jul 12

Research Themes

Our current investigations follow the themes outlined below.

For more details on our research, check out our projects, and recent papers.

Theme 1: Verified Software Systems

Given the importance of modern software systems (e.g., distributed systems, concurrency and high-performance computing libraries, etc) and their complexity, it is vital in industry to have a rigorous verification methodology for establishing their correctness properties as well as for making sure that the once completed proofs don’t go “bit rot”. In this line of work, our recent work has introduced logical foundations for compositional verification of complex distributed protocols using a proof assistant. We have also produced the first mechanically verified proof of safety of Nakamoto consensus, its probabilistic properties and verified libraries of relevant probabilistic data structures. We also explored techniques for both foundational and lightweight verification of distributed systems. Finally, we have developed the first approach for (mostly) automated evolution of proofs for verified libraries.

Our long-term goal is to build tools that bridge the gap between the systems implementations and their abstract models that can be verified in an interactive or automated fashion, producing robust and easy-to-maintain proofs.

Theme 2: Program Synthesis with Correctness Guarantees

Program synthesis is an emerging research and technology paradigm for automatically deriving programs from user-provided declarative specifications, thereby significantly reducing the implementation effort required for producing correct-by-construction and efficient code. Our recent work explored the marriage of state-of-the-art techniques for deductive proofs in Coq proof assistant and program synthesis that resulted in a series of foundational mechanisms and tools that produce correct-by construction implementations for complex tasks in mainstream languages.

Our long-term agenda targets synthesis of provably correct high-performance, safety-critical programs with the focus on low-effort proof automation and evolution.

Theme 3: Safe and Efficient Concurrency

Despite being one of the oldest topics in Computer Science, concurrent programming still poses multiple challenges from both theoretical and practical standpoint: concurrent libraries that utilise available opportunities for parallelism are difficult to implement, optimise, and verify, and bugs in concurrent programs are extremely tricky to identify and fix. To address these challenges, we have developed foundations for machine-assisted verification of concurrent programs. We have also contributed tools for fast compositional bug-funding in concurrent code with theoretical completeness guarantees, and developed a methodology for efficient repair of concurrent bugs. We used the ideas from static program analysis and type systems to improve system-wide parallelism in modern blockchain protocols and applied advanced functional programming techniques to reduce the costs of building concurrent software.

Our vision in this line of work is to democratise the process implementation of concurrent libraries and applications, developing robust and accessible methods for building correct and performant concurrent programs.



Ilya Sergey
Ilya Sergey

Research Fellows

Kiran Gopinathan
Kiran Gopinathan

Graduate Students

Vladimir Gladshtein
Vladimir Gladshtein
Yunjeong Lee
Yunjeong Lee
Yuxi Ling
Yuxi Ling
George Pîrlea
George Pîrlea
Ziyi Yang
Ziyi Yang
Qiyuan Zhao
Qiyuan Zhao

Undergraduate Researchers

Vikram Goyal
Vikram Goyal
Gokul Rajiv
Gokul Rajiv

Interns and Visiting Researchers

Sean Wang
Sean Wang

Recent Collaborators

Willow Ahrens
Willow Ahrens
Saman Amarasinghe
Saman Amarasinghe
Zhendong Ang
Zhendong Ang
Andreea Costea
Andreea Costea
Jonáš Fiala
Jonáš Fiala
Matthew Flatt
Matthew Flatt
Seth Gilbert
Seth Gilbert
Shachar Itzhaky
Shachar Itzhaky
Leonidas Lampropoulos
Leonidas Lampropoulos
Umang Mathur
Umang Mathur
Peter Müller
Peter Müller
Nadia Polikarpova
Nadia Polikarpova
Alex Potanin
Alex Potanin
Abhik Roychoudhury
Abhik Roychoudhury



A Multicore OCaml library for batch-parallel data structures


A Coq framework for verifying Byzantine Fault Tolerant protocols


A hyperlogic for verifying sparse tensor manipulations


Mostly automated proof repair for verified OCaml functions


Synthesis of Rust programs from types and lightweight specifications


Synthesis of heap-manipulating programs from specifications in Separation Logic


A functional language for safe smart contracts


An OCaml library that provides generic equality saturation using EGraphs


Verified hash-based approximate membership structures.


A Coq implementation of a minimalistic blockchain-based consensus protocol


Mechanised Separation Logic for Compositional Verification of Distributed Protocols



Concurrent Data Structures Made Easy

Callista Le and Kiran Gopinathan and Koon Wen Lee and Seth Gilbert and Ilya Sergey

39th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA 2024). Pasadena, CA, USA, October 2024.

DSLs in Racket: You Want It How, Now?

Yunjeong Lee and Kiran Gopinathan and Ziyi Yang and Matthew Flatt and Ilya Sergey

17th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE ’24). Pasadena, CA, USA, October 2024.

Compositional Verification of Composite Byzantine Protocols

Qiyuan Zhao and George Pîrlea and Karolina Grzeszkiewicz and Seth Gilbert and Ilya Sergey

31st ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2024). Salt Lake City, UT, USA, October 2024.

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Higher-Order Specifications for Deductive Synthesis of Programs with Pointers

David Young and Ziyi Yang and Ilya Sergey and Alex Potanin

38th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2024). Vienna, Austria, September 2024.

Scaling the Evolution of Verified Software

Kiran Gopinathan

PhD Thesis. NUS School of Computing, August 2024.

Mechanised Hypersafety Proofs about Structured Data

Vladimir Gladshtein and Qiyuan Zhao and Willow Ahrens and Saman Amarasinghe and Ilya Sergey

2024 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2024). Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2024.

Simple and Efficient Concurrent Data Structures via Batch Parallelism

Callista Le

Capstone Thesis. Yale-NUS College, 2024.

Program Synthesis with Accumulators

Nay Chi Naing

Capstone Thesis. Yale-NUS College, 2024.

Small Scale Reflection for the Working Lean User

Vladimir Gladshtein and George Pîrlea and Ilya Sergey

Unpublished draft. 2024.

Rooting for Efficiency: Mechanised Reasoning about Array-Based Trees in Separation Logic

Qiyuan Zhao and Zhendong Ang and Umang Mathur and Ilya Sergey

13th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP 2024). London, UK, January 2024. Distinguished Paper Award.

PDF Code Artefact
Verified Systems Engineering
Yale-NUS College
NUS School of Computing