
Sep 01
Aug 30

Kiran Gopinathan has successfully defended her PhD thesis “Scaling the Evolution of Verified Software”. Congratulations, Dr. Gopinathan!

Aug 27

Two new papers at upcoming conferences in October 2024: on compositional verification of Byzantine protocols (CCS’24) and on building concurrent data structures via batch-parallelism (OOPSLA’24).

Aug 06

Congratulations to George Pîrlea on receiving a Dean’s Research Excellence Award for 2024!

Jul 12
May 25

The paper on hyperlogic for verifying sparse tensor programs in Coq will appear at PLDI’24.

Dec 13

Our paper on verifying tree clocks in Coq will appear at CPP’24. Update: We’ve also got a Distinguished Paper Award!

Aug 28

Congratulations to Mayank Keoliya on awarded the 2023 NUS Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Prize!

Aug 24

Congratulations to Kiran Gopinathan on receiving a Dean’s Research Excellence Award for 2023!

Aug 28

Congratulations to Mayank Keoliya on awarded the 2023 NUS Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Prize!

Aug 11

The paper on fuzzing distributed systems will appear at CCS’23.

Jun 01

The implementation of RusSOL has won a PLDI’23 Distinguished Artifact Award (single award given out of 67 submitted artifacts).

May 25

The paper about Sisyphus received an ACM SIGPLAN Distinguished Paper Award at PLDI’23.

Jan 10

Qiyuan Zhao joins NUS as a PhD Student. Welcome Qiyuan!

Jul 18

Vladimir Gladstein joins VERSE lab as a PhD student. Welcome, Vladimir!

Jul 01

A paper on random testing of Scilla interpreter and compiler with QuickChick will appear at ICFP’22.

Jun 20

Our paper on Hippodrome, a new tool for automated repair of concurrent data races, built on top of Infer Static Analyser, will appear at ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology.

Sep 01

Ziyi Yang joins the lab as a PhD student, and Tram Hoang and Bryan Tan join as MComp students. Welcome, Bryan, Tram, and Ziyi!

Jul 29
Jul 23

Our invited position paper Deductive Synthesis of Programs with Pointers: Techniques, Challenges, Opportunities has appeared in the proceedings of CAV’21.

May 25

The paper on Cyclic Program Synthesis has been named a recipient of PLDI 2021 Distinguished Paper Award.

May 04

Two papers, on smart contract sharding and on cyclic program synthesis, will appear at PLDI’21.

Apr 15

Yasunari Watanabe has defended his MComp thesis on Certified Program Synthesis. Congratulations, Yasu!

Dec 01

Yutaka Nagashima joins the team as a postdoc. Welcome, Yutaka!

Nov 30

Our paper on Automated Repair of Heap-Manipulating Programs via SuSLik-style Synthesis will appear at VMCAI 2021.

Nov 02

An extended paper on Distributed Protocol Combinators with an expanded toolset and more case studies has been accepted for publication in Journal of Functional Programming. Now we can do Paxos!

Sep 25

Ilya will present the work on CoSplit at PurPL Seminar Series.

Aug 09

Yunjeong Lee and George Pîrlea join the team as a PhD students at NUS School of Computing. Welcome!

Apr 06

The paper by Kiran on mechanised verification of probabilistic properties of Bloom filters and their generalisations has been accepted to CAV 2020.

Dec 24

Our paper on enhancing deductive program synthesis with read-only permissions will appear at ESOP 2020.

Verified Systems Engineering
Yale-NUS College
NUS School of Computing